
At Spring Grove we believe all children can achieve in maths. It is important that our children and families develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and for them to see themselves as competent mathematicians.

We strive to ensure that our maths curriculum is carefully planned to help all pupils achieve, enjoy maths and reach their full potential. 

Read on to find out more about how we plan and deliver maths across the school.

Visit our Online Learning page for websites for use at home and school.

Click here for a guide of maths props you can use from around the home.

Calculation Policy

Look at this document for guidance on how we teach calculations across the school.

Maths Definitions

Visit for excellent visual explanations of key maths vocabulary.


Guide to the names of the practical resources (manipulatives) and images that we use.

Maths Challenges (Photos)

Awe and Wonder! (Photos)

How do we plan?

As well as The National Curriculum 2014, Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals (Number, Shape Space & Measure), Years 1-6 use the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. The objectives are broken down by year group and a strong emphasis is placed on:

We are working towards using a mastery approach to teaching and learning. This is what we mean by  mastery:

  • Devoting more time to introduction of key concepts 
  • Focusing on one key idea only per lesson
  • Keeping the whole class together
  • Concentrating on pupils’ thinking (as well as doing)
  • Anticipating difficult points and misconceptions
  • Choosing representations and models carefully
  • Planning questioning carefully 
  • Expecting and supporting precise explanations and reasoning from pupils
  • Applying variation theory 
  • Intervening quickly to support those falling behind

The Essence of Maths Teaching for Mastery, NCETM

The principles of mastery ensure teachers stay in the required key stage and support the ideal of depth before breadth. They support pupils working together as a whole group and provide plenty of time to build reasoning and problem solving elements into the curriculum.

Find out more from the NCETM

How Students Should be Taught Mathematics:
Reflections from Research and Practice Jo Boaler,
Professor of Mathematics Education, Stanford University

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